Staying the night
” A vacation or city trip naturally requires a nice bed to spend the night. Will you choose the personal touch of a B&B, the luxury of a hotel, the coziness of camping or the privacy of a vacation rental? “
Where can you stay overnight in Enkhuizen?
An overview of all hotels in Enkhuizen and the surrounding area. All hotels are located in the center or within walking distance of the center.

Bed & breakfast adressen
Bed & breakfast addresses are popular and this is reflected in the wide range of accommodation available in Enkhuizen. Take a look at the complete overview here.

Campsites and RV parks
Whether you come with your tent, caravan, folding trailer or camper, there is a suitable spot for every camping equipment in or around Enkhuizen.

Vacation home and bungalow park
An overview of vacation homes and apartments as well as group stays.

Group accommodations
Would you like to go on vacation or a weekend away in Enkhuizen with a group? In and around Enkhuizen you will find fun and unique accommodations for groups. For example, you can stay overnight in a farmhouse, on the water or in a historic monument.

Staying overnight on the water
How about spending the night on a ship? Sleep in a comfortable bed in a real cabin and let the waves rock you to dreamland. Step aboard the Deo Annuente, Nooit volmaeckt, Windbruid or book a spot through Holland Sail! The ships have everything for a pleasant stay: good beds, sanitary facilities, a kitchen and a cozy salon.

The cozy town center houses a succession of surprising small and large stores. That makes shopping in Enkhuizen an enjoyable day out!

3x Extraordinary overnight stays in and around Enkhuizen
Would you like to make your overnight stay in Enkhuizen just a little more special and are you looking for a special experience? Here are 3 unique tips.

Information about accommodations in Enkhuizen
Staying overnight in a Bed&Breakfast
A B&B is located in the owner’s home or outhouse, and that is precisely what makes staying overnight in a B&B so special. You get to know the residents and their story. Each address has its own atmosphere and style, but all B&B´s in and around Enkhuizen have one thing in common: the owners will do everything to make your stay as pleasant as possible.
Large selection in and around Enkhuizen
The selection in and around Enkhuizen is large, from a simple room with shared shower and toilet to a luxurious cottage with private bathroom.
Staying overnight in a hotel or guesthouse
Enkhuizen has a magic that cannot be compared to any other city and at the same time everyone feels at home here. This is evidenced by the fact that many visitors return time and again. Enkhuizen lets you relax and forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
One thing is for sure: in Enkhuizen you won’t have to be bored for a moment, rather you’ll be short of time. That’s why it’s great if you don’t have to go home at the end of the day. After a good night’s sleep, you’ll be fit and ready to explore new sides of Enkhuizen.
In the center of Enkhuizen and around the harbor you will find a wide range of atmospheric hotels. There are also some hotels in the immediate vicinity (Andijk and Bovenkarspel).
Camping in Enkhuizen or the Enkhuizen region
It really is something to look forward to: a wonderful camping vacation. Extended with a drink and a book in the sun in front of the tent. Whether you come with your tent, caravan, folding trailer or camper, there is a suitable spot for every camping equipment in or around Enkhuizen.
Camping in Enkhuizen
In town you’ll find a quiet mini-campsite and a well-equipped one, both near the historic town center and Enkhuizerzand. You can of course park your camper here as well.
Camping just outside Enkhuizen
Just outside Enkhuizen you will find no fewer than four campsites on an agricultural or dairy farm, in Wijdenes, Bovenkarspel (near recreational lake the Streekbos), Lutjebroek and Venhuizen.
Vacation home and bungalow
There is also an extensive choice of vacation homes in and around Enkhuizen:
Bungalow parks
In Andijk, just outside Enkhuizen, you will find a vacation park with contemporary villas and various facilities. Next door (on the same property) is a bungalow park with bungalows and chalets.
Private vacation homes
If you prefer to rent a private residence, this is of course also possible. In the historic center of Enkhuizen you will find various private houses and apartments. During your stay you will almost feel like a true resident of Enkhuizen.
Cozy in the center
If you want to stay overnight in the city center, Enkhuizen offers a host of options. Most accommodations are located at or around the harbors as well as the shopping area. In addition, most B&B addresses, apartments and hotels are located in historic buildings. Our tip: book early!
There are also plenty of options in the Enkhuizen area for a stay in a B&B, vacation home or apartment. The villages in the vicinity of Enkhuizen are rural and/or near the IJsselmeer or Markermeer. Ideal for a fishing or water sports vacation, for example, and also a great base for visiting historic towns such as Enkhuizen, Hoorn or Medemblik.
Special overnight stay
In Enkhuizen and its surroundings you can spend a wonderful night. Are you looking for an accommodation that is just that little bit different? You can! Think of spending the night on a boat (including various traditional sailing ships), a farm, glamping tent or various hotel cottages on the edge of the IJsselmeer.
Also read the article “9 x special overnight stays in and around Enkhuizen“.
Group accommodations
We also have special accommodation options for groups, both in Enkhuizen and in the Enkhuizen region. Please contact us to discuss the possibilities or see the list of accommodations.
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